“Bigger fish” – 20 kilos of drugs put duo behind bars for a long time

They are not “small fish” and they know it. That is why two dealers who had to answer to the regional court in Linz immediately accepted prison sentences of several years. They had smuggled and sold drugs on a large scale – and were no strangers.

They confessed and this saved two Linz residents of Turkish origin (30, 36) from even longer prison sentences. The duo is said to have smuggled around 20 kilos of cannabis into Upper Austria between 2021 and 2023 and sold at least five kilos of “grass”. The defendants, both of whom had various previous convictions, had exploited personal contacts with drug dealers in the Netherlands to obtain the illegal goods.Additional sentence after conviction”In some cases it remained an attempt,” said court spokesman Walter Eichinger. The younger man received an additional three years on top of an already imposed sentence of two years – making a total of five years in prison – while the 36-year-old accepted the four years in prison for his crimes.
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