BILD on TV: New TV station is coming

New TV station is coming

The “Bild” newspaper will soon also be available as a TV station-

© Hadrian /

On August 22nd, BILD, the TV offshoot of the newspaper of the same name, starts. Live broadcasts should be the centerpiece.

It had been known for a long time that the tabloid “Bild” was to get a TV station of the same name as an offshoot. According to the promise, it should go live on air before the federal election on September 26, 2021. Now the publishing house Axel Springer has others via Twitter the date announced: the new channel BILD will go on air on August 22, 2021.

As reported in a “picture” article, the advertising-financed channel should be receivable via cable, satellite, IPTV and OTT, also in HD quality. At the start on August 22nd (a Sunday), around 85 percent of German TV households should be technically reached.

News as the centerpiece

The news show “BILD LIVE” is to become the center of the BILD program. From Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. every hour in the studio, the moderators and reporters on site will deal with a current topic. Not only news, but also opinions should play a role in “BILD LIVE”. Experts and viewers should discuss the topic presented in a controversial manner.

Sunday is to be devoted to sport, with several programs between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., which will mainly deal with the Bundesliga. In addition, there will be various live broadcasts on politics, shows and service topics as well as reports and documentaries.

Claus Strunz as program director

Patricia Platiel and Kai Wiese have been confirmed as moderators of the live broadcasts. Has from RTL BILD Sandra Kuhn (39) poached, which last featured “RTL Explosiv” on the Cologne private broadcaster.

Sports reporter Marcel Reif (71) will now present his BILD podcast “Reif ist live” on BILD-TV.

Head of programming is Claus Strunz (54), who is not only an old acquaintance with the media group (including the former editor-in-chief of BILD am Sonntag, now a member of the BILD editor-in-chief) but an experienced television maker (“Akten”, “What Strunz”, “Breakfast TV” “).
