biologists ready to unplug from Covid test file

Opposed to the “blind plane” of the Social Security budget, which wants to impose 250 million euros in savings per year on them, biologists announced on Wednesday that they will stop feeding the national file of Covid screening tests (SI- DEP) starting Thursday.

Faced with the deafness of the public authorities, we decided to suspend the transmission of screening data on the SI-DEP platform from October 27, declared to AFP the president of the Alliance for Medical Biology, Alain Le Meur.

If patients continue to receive their results, there will be no further follow-up to the epidemic, he warns. Laboratories will no longer be reimbursed by health insurance – a shortfall worth 14 million euros per week.

The profession thus intends to send a message to the government, which has not modified its Social Security financing bill providing for a drop in tariffs by default of an agreement presenting significant savings before February 1, up to at least 250million.

We assume to ask for efforts from the biology laboratories, repeated the Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, Tuesday in the Senate, justifying the measure by a profitability already high before the crisis and further increased by an increase of more than 7 billion in turnover. business related to testing for two years.

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The biologists have however proposed to limit the puncture to the year 2023 alone, under the profits of the Covid. Agreed for an exceptional contribution, but not for a totally blind plane, summarizes Mr. Le Meur, who warns that biologists are capable of going further, to a strike if the government does not understand (them).

The examination of the Scu budget at the Assembly, interrupted by the use of 49.3 on the revenue part, resumed Wednesday evening on the expenditure side, where the contested article appears.

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