Birthstone: which one is yours?

Which one is yours?

© eloresnorwood / Shutterstock

A birthstone can help you gain inner peace, strength, or clarity. Depending on which topic is particularly addressed in the month of your birth. Find out what your gem is.

Gemstones have always fascinated people. They shine in bright colors and should one healing effect to have. But not everyone is equally attracted to everyone. It may have something to do with the birthstone.

This idea started in the astrology. There a gem was assigned to each month. Feel free to take a look at the list below and see if this is true for you.

A birthstone is definitely there a nice present. You can wear it as a chain or put it in a bowl. If you want, you can also change the stone every month and let the changing energy work on you.

January: garnet

January is cold, the days are short and the nights are long. The garnet strengthens self-esteem in the dark and offers protection – for example from nightmares. In addition, a new year begins this month and therefore the garnet is a sign of a new beginning. He gives courage for future tasks and promises a good living.

February: amethyst

February is Valentine's Day and Saint Valentine is said to have worn a ring with this gemstone. This birthstone is therefore a sign of that love. The beautiful purple color is also a gift inner peace and concentration. Whoever wears it – it is said – can bundle their strengths and gain sincerity. But without losing control.

March: aquamarine

The bright, light blue color of the aquamarine is reminiscent of the vastness and beauty of the ocean. This stone is supposed to wisdom and serenity bring into life. It was not without reason that it used to be carried by seafarers who wanted a calm crossing. Today he should ensure that we stay balanced in every situation and loving to approach others. Many people put an aquamarine in their drinking or bathing water to feel the positive effects.

April: diamond

No gem is as hard as a diamond. Hence, this birthstone stands for Strength and Invincibility. In addition, it is of course a treasure and therefore exudes a certain dignity and authority. It should bring prosperity to its bearers and protect them from negative energies. He also holds his hand over love relationships and deepens the bond.

May: emerald

It's spring! Nature wakes up, it becomes green and alive. It is not for nothing that this month's birthstone is the emerald, the one for fertility and growth stands. Also, the gem is a symbol of that love. Anyone who wears an emerald should (soon) be lucky in the relationship. But not only that: the gemstone also gives harmony, Patience and intuition. In the past it was even believed that the owner of an emerald could see into the future.

June: pearl

A pearl is an organic gemstone and is therefore particularly valuable. Therefore this brings birthstone Beauty in life, but something else is said about him – he should Calm mind. In addition, the pearl stands for loyalty, Decency and the ability to always find the right path, even in difficult times.

July: ruby

In July, the sun celebrates all day. Now everything in nature is blooming like a king, people are on vacation and exiled everyday life. The fiery red ruby ​​is standing Passion, dedication and strength. He should too Makes lend and at the same time protect against evil spirits. The ruby ​​is also about prosperitythat can also show itself as self-worth.

August: peridot

The light green peridot is said to be its owners satisfaction and success give. He also stands for Determination. But on the way there, some wearers may get nervous. The peridot can therefore Reduce anxiety and calm down. Since this stone can glow in the dark, so should it drive away evil spirits in the night.

September: sapphire

A sapphire can do that Calm mindn and also makes you open to the feelings of other people. How are others doing and how can I help them? Such empathy is strengthened by the birthstone. He also stands for wisdom and purity.

October: Opal

The opal is all about the beautiful theme again love. This gem puts relationships under its protective shield. In addition, he should Calm your nerves and a Sign of hope be. But that's not all that an opal can do: Due to its many radiant colors, it should strengthen optimism and give creativity to its wearers.

November: Citrine

In November it will be cold and dark again. But the beautiful yellow citrine helps everyone who has a birthday this month with its special power. He supports his owner when he is sad or stressed and gives him a gift hope. At the same time, this gemstone also stands for youth, vitality and joy.

December: turquoise

The last birthstone of the year is the radiant turquoise. He gives endurance, Steadfastness and success. He is also a symbol for spirituality. Everyone whose birthday is in December can listen to their intuition and listen to the answers that their hearts whisper to them. And who knows – maybe with the help of the turquoise birthstone these will be a little more audible.