Bitcoin (BTC) Mining: How North Korean Hackers Launder Stolen Cryptos

web hackers – They are part of the scourges of our ecosystem. Often the cause of hacks the most bloodthirsty, hackers and other cybercriminals, remind us too much of the importance of our digital security. Among the most sadly famous, we retain the army of north korean hacker leading many broader cybercriminal hacks and attacks as part of a global cyberwar. Watched like milk on fire, new analyzes reveal thatAPT43a group of hackers, allegedly laundered stolen funds in own bitcoins through a cloud mining service. Explanations.

Who are the North Korean APT43 hackers?

According to the company Beggar cybercrime expert company recently acquired by Google, APT43 is a group of independent hackers under the thumb of the North Korean government. In a 21-page report titled “ APT43: The uses of the North Korean cybercrime group to finance espionage operations “, the company peeled the potential actions of hackers on the blockchain.

“Unlike other North Korean groups such as APT38, which are probably primarily responsible for providing funds to the regime, APT43 most likely conducts such operations to support its own actions. »

Mandiant’s Report

APT43 is said to be “ moderately sophisticated “, but productive by the report. A soldier of the North Korean government, the group would use the stolen funds to finance operations against South Korea and the United States, its two favorite targets.

His favorite modus operandi? THE phishing attacks, phishing, that is to say the creation of websites, carbon copies of existing crypto sites. They then ask you for information (often the passwords of your wallets) in order to steal them. Once these funds are stolen, the hackers launder them.

The stolen funds are invested in cloud mining and come out laundered in bitcoins or ethers – Source : Beggar

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Mining of stolen cryptocurrencies and own bitcoin: a well-established modus operandi

A point of definition is essential: what is the Cloud Mining ? It is an alternative cryptocurrency mining system to traditional mining. The investor does not become the owner of the machine, so there is no maintenance to do, for example. Here, he will rent mining equipment and thus computing power (hashrate). He therefore pays a subscription against remuneration and the machines are in a mining farm.

How to launder funds through cryptocurrency mining? The hackers used phished cryptos for investments in the mining farm. The bitcoins recovered from mining are “ clean », blanched.

“For a fee, these cloud mining and hash rental services provide hashing power, which is used to mine cryptocurrency from a buyer-selected wallet without any blockchain-based association with the buyer’s original payments. »

This is not the first time that cryptocurrency mining has ended up in the wrong hands, further tarnishing the reputation of our ecosystem. It is also not the first time that North Korean hackers are talking about them.

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