Bitcoin in Politics: Miami Mayor Accepts BTC Donations for His Presidential Campaign

Bitcoin forever. Unconditionally attached to Bitcoin, Francis Suarez, the mayor of Miami, has truly marked his city by making BTC and cryptocurrencies his signature. His passion for this financial revolution knows no bounds, and to prove it, he recently unveiled that crypto donations will now be accepted to support his presidential campaign.

BTC for everyone, but especially for Francis Suarez

It was therefore during an interview on Friday with our colleagues from CoinDesk that the mayor said:

“Officially, my campaign accepts BTC (…) It is a process of developing technologies that will create democratization opportunities for wealth creation and which are not manipulated by the ulterior motives of a being human, its political objectives, etc.

Emphasizing once again theamazing financial opportunity what bitcoin represents, in keeping with his usual speech, the mayor announced that, in his opinion, bitcoin will have a:

“(…) democratizing impact on the future wealth of every American”

Miami Crypto-Vice

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Regulation and MNBCs: two threats to Bitcoin

Moreover, the mayor, appearing on Donald Trump’s questionable list, also firmly stated that he would be fiercely opposed to the Digital Central Bank Currencies (MNBC).

The reason for his opposition lies mainly in their potentially draconian character.

“Nobody wants the feds to know where you got your money and how much money you have…I don’t think there’s anything particularly innovative about it”

In addition, the mayor raised with conviction gaps in the US regulatory framework which unfortunately failed to anticipate adequate regulation for cryptocurrencies, or even for their classification:

“You need to be able to categorize certain digital products, you need to be able to have certain clear guidelines and rules when it comes to asset custody.”

Francis Suarez’s decision to accept donations in BTC is therefore not a surprise. However, it testifies to a now systematic enthusiasm around cryptocurrencies. Indeed, ofOther White House contenders can’t stop talking about Bitcoin and its BTC.

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