Bitcoin is a political revolution for this ex-Coinbase executive

¡ Viva la Revolution! – In a sort of column published this weekend on social networks, a former manager of Coinbase paints a very political portrait of the first cryptocurrency on the market. We were used to sometimes somewhat blissful declarations of love, ostentatious laser eyes, and ultra-optimistic price predictions, but this time it is really a pro-Bitcoin political manifesto. Balaji Srinivasan explains to us how this cryptocurrency will return power to the people and why it is a revolution. “Stop Vladimir Putin’s war, stop the policy of the American FED and change the international political landscape”He » is capable of all that at once. Bitcoin will change the world (according to our witness of the day) and you are in the front row.

More than a currency, it is a political revolution!

It is therefore in a long message posted this weekend on the social network Balaji Srinivasan delighted his 990,000 followers with strong pro-Bitcoin advocacy political connotation. This serial Indian American entrepreneur is a former partner at Andreessen Horowitz who has worked in several oriented companies tech, but he is best known in the crypto community for having been the director of new technologies (CTO) of the American giant Coinbase. It is this old hat that allows him today to have a keen eye on the crypto ecosystem and it is from the height of this experience that he gives us his truth: Bitcoin is a political revolution.

Much more than a simple “technological innovation that would allow large sums of money to be exchanged or value to be retained”Bitcoin will disrupt modern history and put an end to the eternal loop “welfare state/state at war”. Its decentralized model and its intrinsic qualities will destroy the “economic model of the centralized state of the 20th century, breaking both the wealth dispossession of communism and the money printing of Keynesianism”. For what ? How ? Because Bitcoin, “this is money that cannot be seized and monetary policy that cannot be manipulated”. Let’s admit that the gentleman has a sense of formula !

Balaji Srinivasan published a long message on social networks this weekend to present his pro Bitcoin arguments.  For him, this cryptocurrency is much more than a means of payment, it is downright a political revolution and explains why.
Here is the message in question posted this weekend by Balaji Srinivasan – Source: account

Bitcoin draws new political fault lines across the world

He continues and develops his idea by explaining that far from any partisan consideration, this cryptocurrency apolitical is a tool at the service of citizens. It will allow them to decide, alone, what types of collectives they wish to finance, which projects deserve interest and it finally establishes a form of “consensual government”, what we could call participatory democracy. Real dynamiter of the current system, Bitcoin “reverses centuries of centralization of power” and merges the best of left and right politics.

Far beyond the idea of ​​nation, it brings people together under the same banner and Balaji Srinivasan takes the example of Chinese and American nationals who find themselves enemies in spite of themselves because of their bellicose leaders. Around the network Bitcointhese people no longer have to trust their political staff and no longer have any valid reason to go to war, even if it was economical. Finally, in a final lyrical flight, Mr. Srinivasan will warn the community against “stupid states” who will try to censor, or even seize this technological innovation, but ultimately so political.

This new period of struggle for individual freedoms could begin after the cycle which is coming and will bring “the period 2016-2024 for the good old days”. This is how, in a few paragraphs, this privileged witness to the rise of cryptocurrency in the world delivers a resolutely committed activist speech which of course only reflects his own convictions and commits only him… even if there are many who adhere to his speech.

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