Bitcoin mining rethought: This is what Bitcoin Minetrix relies on

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Bitcoin mining has become an extremely popular activity since the cryptocurrency was introduced in 2009. Many investors saw this as an opportunity to participate in the growth and success of Bitcoin. Mining allowed individuals and companies to receive rewards in the form of new Bitcoins by validating transactions and adding new blocks to the blockchain.

However, 2023 has revealed some challenges to Bitcoin mining that have manifested themselves in recent years. The increasing complexity of the mathematical problems that need to be solved to create new blocks have significantly increased the energy consumption and cost of mining. It has become particularly difficult or even impossible for private investors to mine profitably, especially given the dominance of large mining pools. Ultimately, the centralization of mining has raised concerns about the decentralization and security of the network.

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Bitcoin Minetrix: Decentralized cloud mining for BTC

Bitcoin Minetrix now presents an innovative solution to the current challenges of Bitcoin mining: decentralized cloud mining. This approach reduces barriers to entry and makes mining more widely accessible.

Decentralization will at best reduce the power of large mining pools and make the network more evenly distributed, which not only promotes the original vision of decentralization, but can also contribute to an efficient and environmentally friendly mining landscape.

Bitcoin Minetrix is ​​a tokenized cloud mining platform that allows ordinary people to mine Bitcoin (BTC) in a decentralized manner. We tokenize cloud mining to ensure a secure and transparent experience, solving a major problem by eliminating the risk of third-party cloud mining fraud and putting control in the hands of token holders. Simply stake BTCMTX to earn credits and use them to mine BTC.

In the future, Bitcoin Minetrix would like to establish a stake-2-mine concept that works as follows: First, investors buy the native BTCMTX token, which is based on the Ethereum blockchain. The holders can now deposit this into the Ethereum staking contract. So-called “mining credits” are distributed as rewards, which can be used to claim hash power. Ultimately, participants are paid according to their share.

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Bitcoin Minetrix relies on mass adoption in Phase 4

The Bitcoin Minetrix white paper already contains a dedicated roadmap with four phases. Bitcoin Minetrix is ​​currently in phase 1, but the team is working in parallel to finalize the first development steps of the next development phase. In the medium term, the team would like to achieve “mass adoption” in phase 4 with Bitcoin Minetrix. Scaled marketing is intended to expand market capitalization and further expand cloud mining.

The vision formulated by the team is ambitious: “Disrupt and reshape bitcoin cloud mining space”.

The current mining landscape has problems and only time will tell if Bitcoin Minetrix solves them. However, there is no doubt that the team has big plans and an innovative concept, which experience has shown to be popular with speculative investors in the digital currency market.

Bitcoin Minetrix reaches $325,000 in presale

In the current presale, Bitcoin Minetrix has raised $325,000 in around a week, with the BTCMTX token currently costing $0.011. After the first pre-sale phase, a price increase of 10% is planned. Anyone who decides to buy Bitcoin Minetrix (BTCMTX) after their own due diligence can choose the token swap against ETH/USDT. If that’s not enough, payment via credit card is also possible.

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