Bitcoin Ordinals as the trending topic?

In this article you will learn:

  • Why Bitcoin could become the largest NFT platform in the world
  • Why ordinals are controversial
  • What the current market data reveals about the state of affairs in the Bitcoin NFT cosmos
  • Which Bitcoin collections are currently the most promising

In May 2022, NFTs were all the hype, but shortly thereafter they experienced a drastic drop. For those outside the crypto bubble, the NFT market today seems rather sobering. Many NFT projects are now just a shadow of their former value. Does this mean that the NFT trend is over and done with?

Quite the opposite. One narrative in particular is currently very promising: Bitcoin NFTs, also known as Ordinals. At this year’s NFC in Lisbon, the largest NFT conference in Europe, the Ordinals were an absolute highlight alongside NFT art and gaming. They were given their own impressive area, an exhibition space, their own stage for panel discussions. There was even a specially developed scavenger hunt for Bitcoin NFTs on the agenda. But why are Ordinals so promising?

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