Bitcoin (still) banned from Europe? The European Central Bank returns to the charge

No more anti-crypto, you die – Although the European Central Bank promises “insignificance” to our dear Bitcoin (BTC), its officials seem to be obsessed with its ban. Even if the ECB explains that the king of cryptocurrencies would be “at its last breath” with the current crypto winter, one of its representatives still asks to plan for the future. a banishment cryptos with a ” ecological footprint “.

The European Central Bank wants to kill Bitcoin competition

The European Central Bank (ECB) chained anti-Bitcoin and decentralized anti-cryptocurrency pamphlets at a frantic pace. Afterwards, a blog post summarizing all the possible clichés about the sector, and Christine Lagarde (President of the ECB) already asking to new regulatory chains a MiCA IIhere comes the load again anti PoW (anti cryptos based on Proof of Work).

Already in March 2022, a Bitcoin’s first attempted murder in the EU had been narrowly avoided. The ban on blockchains in Proof of Work was rejected by only a few votes. But this December 7, again: the member of the Executive Board of the ECB Fabio Panetta come out on ecological pretext in an attempt to kill Bitcoin (the main target).

In a very long press release, Fabio Panetta is working to bring the crypto sector down in flames, just good to be taxedif it is not simply prohibited :

“(…) The EU should introduce a tax levied on: issuers of cryptocurrencies outside its borders, on investors and on service providers. (…) Such a tax could, for example, tackle the high energy and environmental costs associated with certain crypto mining and validation activities. (…) Cryptocurrencies whose ecological footprint is considered excessive should also be prohibited. »

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Only centralized digital currency should exist: the single e-euro

Obviously, when the ECB violently denigrates Bitcoin and cryptos, it is to better praise its central bank digital currency, or MNBC. This completely digitized euro, and above all completely traceable and manipulable, is indeed the Holy Grail of EU central bankers.

“Only central bank money can provide an anchor of stability. (…) Central bank digital currencies would preserve the use of public money for digital retail payments. (…) It would thus preserve the uniqueness of the currency, and would protect monetary sovereignty. The ECB is working on a digital euro precisely for these reasons. »

This ” stability anchor » offers us in the euro zone runaway double-digit inflation. Inflation mainly due to gigantic money printings made to compensate for the economic losses of the Covid restrictions, and to the most recent “suicide sanctions” taken against Russia. But the European central bankers therefore want us to trust them despite everything, by abandoning Bitcoin to serve the single euro, and it alone. And that’s good for them, because they can control it as they please.

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