Bitcoin: Will ChatGPT soon send BTC transactions?

Hardly any other invention in recent years has had as much hype as Bitcoin and artificial intelligence (AI). The Lightning developer Lightning Labs now wants to combine both technologies and has various tools for this presented. AI applications are said to be able to send and receive BTC over the Lightning network; a significant advance in crypto and artificial intelligence interoperability.

Lightning Labs wants to help make the work of Lightning and AI developers more attractive. The tools should also guarantee fast and cheap payment and make it possible to seamlessly integrate Bitcoin and Lightning into AI applications.

GPT technology on Bitcoin

The development is based on the “L402 protocol”, a native Lightning authentication mechanism. In addition, they rely on “Langchain”, which serves as a kind of library to simplify processes with AI applications. A bang: Lightning Labs is even bringing OpenAI’s GPT technology to the blockchain. In the statement it says:

“The so-called “LLM Agent BitcoinTools” use the newly released OpenAI-GPT technology to use artificial intelligence to hold, send, receive and host Lightning Nodes Bitcoin.”

The development team thus supports the interoperability between Bitcoin and artificial intelligence. One wants to promote “open systems”. “In the end, open source will win,” according to Lightning Labs.

How artificial intelligence is changing the crypto space

Smart contracts are becoming more intelligent, works of art for NFTs are created at the push of a button: the hype surrounding artificial intelligence has long gripped the crypto sector. Within the blockchain industry, many companies are already using programmed robots. In addition to Binance or Solana, some crypto projects are researching the decentralization of AI services via an open marketplace. The NFT area is also increasingly being targeted: the first projects are dedicated to the creation and authentication of non-fungible tokens using artificial intelligence.

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But all that glitters is not gold. Artificial intelligence also has its downsides, for example through the spread of fake news. But also here Blockchain can help.

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