Black Friday 2020: The first bargains are here

Black Friday 2020 is just around the corner and the (online) retailers are already getting us in the mood with initial offers and discounts.

The Christmas season is approaching in big steps and so it is not just bargain hunters who are waiting full of anticipation for the annual Black Friday 2020. Because from big shopping players to small boutiques: hardly anyone can miss the happy shopping mood of customers and attracts with great offers and top deals. A win-win situation, because we as customers can make huge savings. This is how (Christmas) shopping is a lot of fun. And with all the savings, there may still be a present or two for ourselves.

Black Friday 2020: First great deals favor our Christmas shopping

The price war has begun. Yes, we have to call it that, because numerous retailers are already trying to get us to buy with discounts and to outbid each other with attractive offers. We don't fight back, we like to be courted. In order to grab some great bargains now, we took a look around for you and put together the best early offers. Because: what you have, you have. Is not it?!

Extra tip: Have you had something on your wish list for a long time and are afraid that it will sell out too quickly on Black Friday 2020? Then register with your favorite retailer, if they offer something like this, in a loyalty program, newsletter or membership program. Often loyal customers are informed in advance about top deals. Amazon Prime customers, for example, often get access to offers even earlier and thus have a time advantage over non-members. If you're not a Prime customer yet, you can a 30-day free Prime membership and save particularly quickly and easily on Black Friday 2020 or Cyber ​​Week 2020.

First Black Friday deals 2020 on Amazon

Hair removal with an epilator may not be the gentlest method, but it is one of the best methods ever. Because with a good device like this one Braun Silk-épil 9 Flex, it's fast, gentle on the skin and the result, which lasts for weeks, makes up for the little tugging. Especially since this copy is even equipped with additional attachments and, for example, provides relaxation for the whole body with a massage pad.

Whether you are out shopping, in the office or visiting a café with your friends – with this simple and elegant one purse you are always stylishly dressed. In addition, it is a small miracle of space: A small shopping bag or your documents and the laptop for the office can easily find space in it.

Staying sporty, active and healthy – it's not always that easy. But with a tracking watch like that Fitbit Inspire you have everything at a glance and a constant reminder on your arm. This helps to motivate yourself and to track your goals and your progress. But since it's also about health, the fitness tracker also keeps an eye on whether you are getting enough sleep and of course your heart rate.

Various serums are ideal for the right care after cleaning. For example one with Hyaluronic acid, which is known to be the secret weapon against skin aging.

Are you looking for a watch for your mother, grandma, best friend or partner? Then this is Ladies watch by Michael Kors is just the thing, because it is chic, classy and definitely an eye catcher.

We look forward to a soft blanket, especially in autumn and winter. These Electric blanket is exactly that, but it offers a lot more, because in addition to various temperature levels with electronic temperature control, it also has a safety system and an automatic switch-off. This switches off automatically after 3 hours.

It is and remains one of the best sellers: the Jamie Oliver pan from Tefal. Now you don't automatically become a chef with this pan – but the integrated temperature indicator, the non-stick coating, which even metal spatulas and the like cannot harm – it makes cooking and frying much easier and more pleasant.

When is Black Friday 2020?

You can look forward to Black Friday all year round. Partly because you always know exactly when he's waiting for you. As is well known by now, Black Friday has its origins in America. There Black Friday always follows a very important holiday in the USA: Thanksgiving, the American version of our Thanksgiving festival. Thanksgiving always falls on the fourth Thursday in November, so the Black Friday always on the fourth Friday in November instead of. In 2020 this will be November 27th.

Black Friday 2020: All important dates at a glance

What started with a single bargain day has grown into a whole week of shopping. Whether shopping giants like Amazon and large retail chains or smaller retailers, many of them lure us earlier with initial offers in order to get in the mood for the hunt for the best deals and top offers. The main focus is then on Cyber ​​Week, which ends with Cyber ​​Monday at the beginning of the week after Black Friday.

Cyber ​​Week: 11/23/20 – 11/30/20

Black Friday: 11/27/20

Cyber ​​Monday: 11/30/20

Black Friday celebrated its triumphant advance in Germany

Black Friday and the associated shopping offers have also been extremely popular in Germany for several years. No wonder. After all, the end of November offers the ideal starting shot to start the Christmas shopping phase. Since 2013, one can say that Black Friday has also established itself with German customers as a prelude and as the "holiday of the bargain hunters". No wonder: after all, more and more companies and retailers have jumped on the bandwagon over the years. The range of offers now ranges from electronics to fashion & beauty to interiors.

In addition, the most diverse "shopping types" are served. So it doesn't matter on Black Friday whether you prefer to move from shop to shop on the shopping mile and scour the shelves for great offers, prefer to visit online retailers that span multiple markets and products such as Amazon or specifically the online store or flagship pays a visit to the favorite brands. You can find the deals pretty much everywhere (and of course bundled here with us).

Why actually Black Friday?

Have you ever asked yourself why THE shopping highlight of the year has such a negative connotation? After all, "Black Friday" is associated with a really bad day for the global economy. The stock market crash of 1929 as a model for excessive shopping? Strange. In fact, it is no longer clear where the name Black Friday for today's discount battle comes from. Some say it should be a reminder of the chaos that prevailed on the Friday after the stock market crash. Others think that the dealers get very black hands from counting too much money and still others think that the many customers are merging into a black mass. Every story has something of its own, right ?!

Is Black Friday just a big hoax?

Basically at the same time as the spread of Black Friday in Germany, the debate about the real benefits and savings for buyers also grew. Because one thing is certain: not every advertised discount is real. What do we mean? If a product is, let's say, sold with a 50 percent discount, this does not automatically mean that the buyer also saves 50 percent. Often this information is based on significantly higher original prices. But if this product has been on the market for a while, it was certainly no longer the previous RRP price before Black Friday. That doesn't mean that the customer isn't saving something anyway. But it could be, for example, that the savings are "only" 15 percent. You should be aware of this and ideally observe products that you have wanted for a long time a few weeks before Black Friday in order to then better classify the price or the savings.

A little hint: It's best to make a shopping list before Black Friday 2020. That might sound boring and of course we like to let ourselves be carried away by the offers and make impulsive purchases. But if you think about what you really need beforehand, you will also know in case of doubt whether it is only the second or the tenth "unnecessary" additional purchase.

We wish you a great bargain hunt on Black Friday 2020!

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