News tip Black Myth Wukong Skandhas Quest: How to face Giant Shigandang, the secret boss of chapter 6?
While playing Black Myth Wukong, you will realize, more than once, that certain quests span several chapters… and that the game gives you very little information on this subject. During chapter 6, you have the opportunity to face a titanic boss! Except that, for that, you will have to collect several objects, one of which also depends on another quest… In short, everything is mixed up so this article is here to clearly explain to you how to complete the Skandhas quest and reunite the four copies allowing you to face the Giant Shigandang and, ultimately, to recover the final pill for the Medicinal Meal trophy/achievement.
Let’s not waste time and talk directly about the collection of first Skandha. To do this, you have to go back to the very beginning of the adventure. Return to where you fought the Bullguard, in the Forest of Wolves, well before the altar Outside the Forest. Normally, before the arena and near the water, you should have seen a character next to a sculpted head who runs away when he sees you. Interact with the statue to collect the Discipline Skandha item. That’s for Chapter 1! Now, head to Yellow Wind Ridge, Chapter 2.
To recover the Skandha of Sensation, you will have to complete the quest for the Eyes of Buddha. That’s good, we have devoted an entire article to it as part of our walkthrough and our tips on Black Myth Wukong. So we’ll let you refer to it. Just know that you will have to fight the hidden boss Shigandang. More subtle this time, the third Skandha is hidden in Chapter 3. To find it, you will have to go to the Cliff of Clairvoyance altar. On the right of the altar, in the void, you can see a collapsed pillar and a corniceaccessible by falling. So go down and follow the path that will take you to the Skandha of thought. Along the way, you can even recover one of the game’s gourds, the Burning Gourd.
For the fourth and final step before the Giant Shigandang, you have to go… to Chapter 4! Right after your fight against Zhu Bajie, you unlock access to the Purifying Spring altar. Follow the torches to arrive in an area still filled with cobwebs. You should see a small body of water and, on the left, a pile of cocoons – don’t forget to destroy them, they are useful to recover this mind -, accompanied by a statue head on which is perched the mysterious character that you have encountered several times during this quest. Interact with the head to recover the Skandha of Choice. Well done, you have all four Skandhas. For the resolution, it will be during chapter 6.
Summary of all our guides on Black Myth Wukong
To find the Giant Shigandang in Chapter 6, the best way is to start at the Verdant Path altar. Call your cloud and go through the arena where you faced the Supreme Inspector boss. Moreover, on the other side, we find the hiding place of the Old Monkey armor setbut that’s another subject! When you pass the cliff and fly above the void and the lake, head towards the expanse of land to the northwestwhere you face the optional boss Son of Stones. Continue in this direction as much as possible then, when you see trees on the right, head towards the mountain: you should see a gap that you can squeeze through.
At the very end, this passage opens into a huge area. Have the reflex to get closer to the ground with your cloud since the Giant Shigandang lets out a cry that makes you fall. If you’re too high, you risk taking significant fall damage. The boss may seem gigantic, but that doesn’t mean the fight is difficult. Very briefly, you must dodge the blows it unleashes as well as the shock waves it propagates when hitting the ground. After a while, he keeps his fists face down, which exposes several clusters of crystals. Hit them to do maximum damage and repeat the operation until you completely empty his life bar. However, be wary of the last series of blows where he connects shock waves as well as a strike that can knock you out instantly.
After this fight, you will be able to climb on his remains and interact with the mysterious character who is none other than Chef Mandrill. He then gives you a final object, the Skandha of Consciousness. With these five copies, you will be able to visit Dog Xu at the Zodiac village, accessible via Chen Loong’s questto offer them to him. In exchange, he will entrust you the Five Skandhas Pillincreasing your three base stats (health, stamina and mana) and essential to complete the Medicinal Meal trophy/achievement.
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