Blank pistol – weapon drawn when spoken: police operation

A discussion between a 41-year-old from Salzburg and a 31-year-old from Tennengau escalated on Saturday morning. The police intervened, seized a blank pistol and also arrested a 23-year-old.

The men had gotten into an argument during a phone call the evening before. The reconciliation was supposed to take place the next day, so the 31-year-old, accompanied by a 23-year-old, visited the Salzburger in his apartment. The conversation got heated and at the end the 23-year-old grabbed a blank pistol and threatened the 41-year-old. He called the police. The 23-year-old then fled towards Hallein. However, he was arrested by officers in Hallein and taken to the police detention center. The police also seized the weapon. The 31-year-old said that the weapon belonged to him despite the existing weapons ban. According to the police, investigations are still ongoing on suspicion of serious coercion and dangerous threats.
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