Blind in one eye – man with diabetes missing since mid-April

Where is a 72-year-old Algerian with the first name Abdel staying? This question concerns the police and employees of a Linz social institution, who have not seen the diabetic, who is blind in one eye, for several weeks.

The Linz police are urgently looking for the 72-year-old Algerian Abdel from Linz. The man is cared for by a social facility in his apartment, and he has also regularly visited a warming room. He was last seen by an employee at the facility in mid-April. Abdel suffers from severe diabetes, is blind in one eye and also has difficulty walking. Butterfly tattoo He has a butterfly tattooed on his left forearm. Unfortunately, there is a suspicion of an accident, because the man regularly needs medication. Who has seen him in the past few weeks? The criminal department of the Linz city police command will take any clues on 059133 453333.
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