Blitz-Brötchen: Fast rolls – with only 5 ingredients

Lightning Bun
Bake quick rolls with just 5 ingredients

© OLIVER-stockphoto / Shutterstock

Do you fancy fresh bread on the weekend without having to leave the house? Then try our simple recipe for lightning rolls – the dough is made in no time and the rolls bake in the oven while you can get ready in the bathroom.

When things have to go quickly in the morning, freshly baked goods are often not an option because the yeast dough has to rest for a while. Not so with this recipe: The yeast is only mixed with honey, the dough then rises later in the oven during the baking process – wonderfully uncomplicated! We'll tell you how the homemade rolls succeed with just five ingredients.

Bake lightning rolls – this is how it works

Ingredients for 8 small rolls:

  • 1/2 cube of yeast
  • 2 teaspoons of liquid honey
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 300 ml of water
  • 500g flour

Preparation time: 35 minutes


  1. Mix the yeast and honey with a fork. Then add salt and water and use the dough hook of a hand mixer to gradually stir in the flour until a homogeneous dough is formed.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Shape the dough into 7–8 rolls of the same size, place the dough pieces on the baking tray with a little space between them and score crosswise with a sharp knife.
  3. Bake the rolls at 200 ° C top / bottom heat in the oven for about 25 minutes.

Tip: If you like, brush the rolls with a little water or egg yolk before baking and sprinkle them with them Poppy seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds. For cheese rolls, simply sprinkle grated cheese over the dough pieces.

Tips and tricks for your lightning-fast buns

You should only use fresh yeast for the breakfast rolls, as dry yeast cannot be mixed with the honey. The dough can be varied very easily: instead of wheat flour, you can also use spelled flour, for example, The rolls are particularly popular with children if you stir raisins into the dough. Those who prefer to eat hearty eat fried onions – then the rolls taste great in combination with a dip and can also be served as a side dish for grilling, for example.

With us you will find many other baking recipes, including for Sunday rolls, as well as a large selection of delicious breakfast recipes and ideas for brunch – so nothing stands in the way of an enjoyable weekend!