Blockade of Munich Airport: CSU demands “full toughness against climate chaos”

Blockade of Munich Airport
CSU calls for “full toughness towards climate chaos”

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Once again, activists invade the grounds of an airport – and stick themselves to the runways. All in the name of climate protection. Federal Interior Minister Faeser calls for consistent prosecution, the CSU General Secretary calls for toughness.

After the renewed blockade of Munich Airport by radical climate activists, politicians are calling for consistent punishments. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser wrote on X: “Such criminal actions endanger air traffic and harm climate protection because they only cause incomprehension and anger.” She demanded: “The perpetrators must be consistently prosecuted and the protective measures at the airport must be checked.”

CSU General Secretary Martin Huber demanded: “The rule of law should be fully harsh against these climate chaotic people.” On X he wrote: “The actions of the last generation are life-threatening – for themselves and others.”

Six activists from the Last Generation group got through the airport fence early on Saturday morning and stuck themselves to the runway feeders. The airport was temporarily completely closed and several planes had to be diverted to other cities. After about two hours, air traffic in Munich started again and the activists were initially arrested.

“So much for ‘no more gluing’,” Huber remarked about the campaign. He was referring to the fact that the Last Generation had announced at the end of January that they would choose other forms of protest this year – however, this referred to road blockades. On the other hand, “places of fossil destruction” should be visited more frequently, the group said, and also specifically mentioned airports in this context. In the past, the last generation had repeatedly hindered operations at large airports, including Munich, with corresponding actions.

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