Blockchain Bundesverband Bundesblock has reorganized itself

Update April 1: The Blockchain Bundesverband Bundesblock has reorganized itself. On March 30, new board members were elected during a general meeting. dr Ashkan Allahgoli was elected president of the association. Moritz Schildt, who was also newly elected to the board, said in a press release available to BTC-ECHO: “Large parts of the economy, but also politicians, have no idea of ​​the possibilities and potential offered by intelligent digitization based on blockchain technology . We want to change that and at the same time help that Germany will play an important role as a business and technology location”.

Blockchain technology is undoubtedly one of the most important technologies of the 21st century. In addition to the enormous potential in the financial industry, it can above all help to replace trust-building intermediaries and to automate business processes. Since the use case of blockchain technology goes far beyond that of cryptocurrencies, it is also important for countries to achieve technology sovereignty in this area.

Federal bloc: old association with a new face

In order to actively help shape blockchain policy in Germany in the future, the Blockchain Federal Association (federal bloc) regroup. The federal bloc is one nonprofit organization, who has been committed to the blockchain ecosystem in Germany since June 29, 2017. Together with its members, they want to advance the social and legal acceptance of the technology and thus strengthen the blockchain ecosystem in Germany.

In the past few months, however, things had become quiet around the association. In order to breathe new life into it, a task force to realign the association was set up in December 2021. The mission is clear: the federal bloc is to be fundamentally reformed and professionalized in order to continue to provide active political impetus in the future.

Aschkan Allahgholi also knows how important blockchain technology is for Germany as a business location. The doctor of physics and speaker of the Hanseatic Blockchain Institute eV has been part of the task force that deals with the realignment of the federal block since December 2021. In an interview with BTC-ECHO, Allahgholi emphasizes how important a strong representative of the blockchain industry is in Germany:

Blockchain technology has great potential to positively and sustainably shape society in many areas. At the same time, she faces many misunderstandings and reservations. The task of the Blockchain Federal Association is therefore not only to strengthen the German blockchain industry, but also to promote understanding and acceptance in society and politics.

Ashkan Allahgholi to BTC-ECHO

A general meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 30th, at which, among other things, the results of the task force will be presented and a new board will be elected. The task force currently has seven members, including Dr. Aschkan Allahgholi, Philipp Hartmannsgruber, Daniel Heinen, Marlene Marz, Oliver Naegele, Dr. Anja Raden and Moritz Schildt.

How important a powerful association like the federal bloc is is also becoming clear in the current bitcoin ban debate (keyword: MiCA regulation):

Against the background of the current discussions about the first regulation of Bitcoin & Co., Germany needs a strong association as a mouthpiece in the EU.

Task Force member Daniel Heinen to BTC-ECHO

Allahgholi adds that in the future one would like to work more closely with the crypto community and the members of the federal block:

The members of the German blockchain community have both common and individual needs and interests. A central goal of the realignment of the federal block is increased member management, in which we work out these needs and interests together with the members and address them in the right places in a targeted manner.

Ashkan Allahgholi to BTC-ECHO

Due to its excellent educational policy and regulatory framework, Germany offers optimal conditions for being able to play in the first league when it comes to blockchain. So that this is not jeopardized by blind political activism, a strong contact person and representative of the developer community is more important than ever. As a member of the federal block, BTC-ECHO will definitely continue to accompany further developments.

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