Blockchain conference in Hamburg is imminent

On June 28th it’s that time again and this year’s Blockchance23 will open its doors to visitors. When OGs, VCs, developers, DLT talents, skeptics, visionaries, strategists and people from the Web3 scene in general who want to make a difference meet, it’s Blockchance time again. So, save the date: from June 28th to 30th, 2023 will be Europe’s most modern Congress Center in Hamburg (CCH) to a place where the future is shaped and the world is made a little bit better.

In 2018, the conference took place for the first time with 350 people, this year 7,500 international guests and a total of around 300 speakers are expected. In addition to well-known speakers such as Peter Grosskopf (Unstoppable Finance), Patrick Hansen (Circle) or Katharina Gehra (Immutable Insight), Michael Saylor (MicroStrategy) is also listed as a speaker. BTC-ECHO will also be present at the conference.

During the three days, companies can present their latest innovations and blockchain solutions on around 15,000 m². Highlights, immersive experiences and interaction with digital assets are provided via NFT areas (art and music), gaming spots and metaverse journeys. All information about the event here.

The block chance vision

The Blockchance team believes that with the help of future technologies and especially the blockchain, we can create a better future for mankind together. We can use the positive potential to shape the economy and society in such a way that everyone can lead a self-determined, free and happy life.

The Blockchance therefore promotes the realization of the potential of blockchain technology in particular and conveys a new ethic of life. The economy says goodbye to the paradigm of infinite quantitative growth and mankind finds its prosperity in the fair distribution of the available resources.

Event Details

  • Date: June 28-30
  • Address: Grosse Bleichen 12, 20354 Hamburg, Germany
  • Link: To the event

Blockchance23 Awards

The Web1 was the initial spark of the tech foundations. Web2 has ensured FOMO and the resulting entrepreneurial spirit has replaced classic career goals in many minds. With Web3 we have now reached a level where entire ecosystems are to be rebuilt and which promises to bring innovations to all industries and business models. The Blockchance Awards should drive this development forward.

As part of the Blockchance23 conference, Web3 and blockchain start-ups were able to apply for the award with their projects and solutions. The best projects will be awarded prize money of 10,000 euros. The awards offer a great opportunity for start-ups from Central Europe to present their unique solutions to a distinguished jury, interested investors and a live audience of up to 7,500 blockchain enthusiasts.

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