Blockchain: Evmos abandons Cosmos and aligns with Ethereum

Evmos aligns with EthereumEvmos is a layer 1 blockchain evolving in the ecosystem Cosmos which implements a Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Now, Evmos wants to align with Ethereum by removing support for Cosmos transactions.

Evmos wants to remove support for Cosmos transactions

As its name suggests, Evmos is the EVM compatible blockchain of the Comos ecosystem. This means that she can support dApps developed in Soliditylike on Ethereum.

Evmos wants to abandon Cosmos transactions

Additionally, as Evmos integrates with the Cosmos ecosystem, the blockchain supports both Ethereum and Cosmos transaction formats.

A situation which should change in the coming year according to the recent publication from the developers. Thus, on November 7, the developers announced the desire to remove support for Cosmos transactions on Evmos.

“Today, Evmos has made the strategic decision to deprecate Cosmos transactions and only support Ethereum format transactions in order to accelerate its roadmap to a fully interoperable EVM. »

However, this change will not be immediate. Thus, the Evmos team believes that support for Cosmos transactions could end in the third quarter of 2024.

However, it is important to note thatEvmos does not abandon Cosmos. Indeed, the protocol will maintain the basic functionality support linked to Cosmos, such as the stakingthere governance or interoperability with the rest of the blockchain network.

Why such a decision ?

In their publication, the developers point out several motivations behind this development.

Firstly, Evmos wishes erase your technical debt. Indeed, the support of a dual format entails the use of two different types of transaction hashes. Consequently, this prevents tools (wallets, block explorer, etc.) from handling both types of transactions, which de facto harms the user experience.

Secondly, the abandonment of Cosmos transactions will allow Evmos to increase its development speed and efficiency. This is logical, until now all developments had to ensure double accounting, making the work more tedious.

Finally, this will allow Evmos to better align with Ethereum. As a reminder, Evmos aims to create an EVM perfectly similar to that of Ethereum. Therefore, aligning with Ethereum specifications in this way will only make the task easier.

What does this change for users?

This paradigm shift will, however, force Evmos users who currently interact with the blockchain via a Cosmos wallet, to change to an Ethereum wallet.

However, additional information will be shared as we approach the finalization of this transition.

For its part, the Cosmos ecosystem seems to be on the rise. Recently, it has been in the spotlight after the deployment of the Celestia blockchain. Particularly following the massive airdrop of TIA tokens carried out by it.

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