Blockrockets German Blockchain Award 2021

30 blockchain start-ups take part in the financing competition and have the chance to convince the jury and the audience live.

Also this year, the German Blockchain Award 2021, organized by Blockrocket, has to take place online again due to the pandemic. Nevertheless – and precisely because of this – there should be a chance that viewers get insights into the blockchain use cases that will be relevant in 2022. In addition, the best ideas from the start-up scene in the blockchain area should be rewarded and recognized.

You will get your free ticket »here«.

30 blockchain start-ups in different stages

For this purpose, a pre-selection has already been made from 100 applicants in the past few weeks. There are now 30 blockchain start-ups left, who will have the opportunity to present their ideas and products at the event on December 8th. These 30 are divided into three categories, in each of which 10 start-ups can try to convince first the audience and then the jury of their company in 2 rounds. The following is subdivided according to the status of the project:

  • Pre-seed (Team + idea)
  • Seed (Team + product)
  • Series A (Team + product + customers)

You have a say!

The special thing about this event is that it is voted in two rounds which projects are the most promising. In the first round, after a 60-second pitch, the audience can decide which three companies will move on to the next round. Then these three get the chance to present their plans in more detail in a five-minute “deep dive”. In the end, the jurors, who are composed of different blockchain specialist areas, choose the respective winning start-up. BTC-ECHO is also represented in the jury.

Keeping a long story short

The important information about the German Blockchain Award 2021 summarized here again:

What?An award that is intended to honor the best blockchain start-ups with NFT prizes, among other things
When?December 8th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (CET)
Where?Online via zoom
How come?As a viewer: in you not only see which use cases the blockchain community can expect in the next year, but you can also actively participate in the decision of who has the most valuable idea.
Who?30 start-ups, 20 venture capitalists and angel investors, You?

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