Bloodshed after burglary? – Murder alert in Vienna: Woman (91) found dead in apartment building

In Vienna-Floridsdorf, a 91-year-old woman was discovered lifeless in her home. The emergency doctor who was called could only confirm her death.

The police were called to the single-family home on Wednesday morning; relatives had wanted to visit the elderly woman, who had lived alone in a house in an allotment area. Relatives made a terrible discovery. When they entered the house, they recoiled in horror when they found the 91-year-old lifeless and with serious injuries. The woman was already dead when the emergency services arrived. She had been killed with a blunt object, as the “Krone” learned. The police are now investigating the robbery and murder, and they are currently investigating which items are missing. The perpetrator or perpetrators are believed to have entered the house through a window.
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