BNP Paribas Asset Management launches an ETF on the theme of biodiversity

BNP Paribas Asset Management has announced the launch of the BNP Paribas Easy ESG Eurozone Biodiversity Leaders PAB listed index fund. This ETF offers investors exposure to companies with a lower potential impact on biodiversity than their peers. Listed continuously since September 29, 2022 on Euronext Paris and the German stock exchange Xetra, this thematic fund is aligned with the Paris-Aligned Benchmark (PAB) standard and has the SFDR article 9 classification.

The ETF replicates the Euronext ESG Eurozone Biodiversity Leaders PAB index, developed by Euronext’s indexing teams. Composed of around sixty stocks, it is designed to select companies in the euro zone according to their potential impact on biodiversity, calculated by Iceberg Data Lab through the “Corporate Biodiversity Footprint score”.

The companies in the portfolio, taken from the Euronext Eurozone 300 index, are selected according to a “Best-in-class” methodology which retains 30% of them from each business sector. Are automatically excluded companies that are the subject of controversy in the United Nations Global Compact or in certain sectors such as controversial weapons, coal mining, uranium, shale gas, or the production of tobacco.

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