Boiling apples: it's that easy

If you have an apple tree in your garden, you can often hardly save yourself from the fruit. We explain how you can preserve apples so that they are available to us all year round.

Boiling apples: the ingredients

  • 1 kilogram of apples
  • 1 liter of water
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • Your choice of spices
  • Preserving jars

Boiling apples properly: that's how it works

  1. First, you should do the mason jars thoroughly rinse with hot water and maybe even put them in boiling water to sterilize them.
  2. Before you can boil down the apples, you have to do them wash, peel, quarter and core. Depending on what the canned apples will be used for later, you cut them into wedges or into cubes.
  3. Then you make the syrup by stirring the sugar into boiling water, until it dissolves. You can also add vanilla or cinnamon if you want.
  4. Now you fill the apple slices up to about two inches below the edge into the glasses and pour the sugar water over them. Then wipe the edges and close the lids tightly.
  5. Place the mason jars in a deep saucepan lined with a tea towel and fill the saucepan with water so that the jars do so three quarters are covered. Bring the water bath to a boil and let the apples boil down. After 20 minutes they are done and can cool down.
  6. The apple compote is boiled down, if it is stored in a cool and dark place, best before a year.

Do you want to know more? Then read our step-by-step instructions for canning here.

Reduce the apples in the oven

You can also boil apples in the oven. Steps 1-4 remain the same. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees and place the sealed jars in a container with a high rim, such as a casserole dish. Pour water in so that the apple wedges Stand about an inch in the water. Then you should preserve them for about 30 minutes and you will get a delicious compote.

Preserve apples for apple compote

If you want to make apple compote, you should cut the apples into small pieces and keep the lid closed before boiling Steam for about 10 minutes. You don't need the sugar syrup for the apple compote. Instead, you can immediately pour the apples into the prepared jars and close them tightly. Stand it upside down for five minutesto avoid nucleation. If you want to cook applesauce, you should puree the apple pieces before pouring them into the mason jars.

We have even more recipes, tips and tricks for making fruit and explain which types of apples there are.

Are you looking for more apple recipes? Then try one of our apple cakes, the apple sauce or our instructions for making apple juice yourself.

Video tip: Bake delicious apple and nut muffins