It is worth boiling down the pumpkin because this way you can enjoy the autumn vegetables all year round. We explain how it works very simply.
Boiling the pumpkin: the ingredients
- 1 pumpkin (e.g. Hokkaido pumpkin, butternut or nutmeg pumpkin)
- 1 liter of water
- 500 milliliters of white wine vinegar
- 500 grams of sugar
- Spices of your choice (e.g. cinnamon stick, cloves or ginger)
- approx. 6 preserving jars
Boiling the pumpkin: this is how it works
- The first step is to rinse the mason jars with hot water, so that they are sterile, and dry thoroughly.
- Then you can wash the pumpkin and remove the skin if necessary – apart from Hokkaido everyone has to Pumpkin varieties be peeled. Make sure you use ripe pumpkins for canning. You can tell this from the knocking test: If the pumpkin sounds hollow, it is ripe.
- Halve the pumpkin, remove the seeds and cut away any bruises or rotten spots. Then you can Dice the pumpkin meat into small pieces and pour into the mason jars. There should be about two centimeters of space to the edge.
- Boil the sugar in the water-vinegar solution until it dissolves. Then you can use the syrup to an inch below the edge Pour over the pumpkin cubes and add spices to taste. Carefully wipe the mason jars and seal the lids airtight.
- Then you put the glasses in a drip pan or deep casserole dish and fill about two centimeters of water. You can now in the oven at 90 degrees for about 30 minutes reduce the pumpkin. Preserved it can be kept for a year.
Boil the pumpkin down on the stove
You can also wake the pumpkin on the stove, steps 1-4 remain the same. Then you put the jars in a saucepan and fill them with water so that the preserving jars are about half covered. Now you can boil the pumpkin for about 20 minutes.
We have other recipes with pumpkin, such as our pumpkin puree, pumpkin jam or pumpkin compote. You can also preserve the pumpkin sweet and sour or freeze the pumpkin. We also have many more tips on how to preserve fruit and prepare pumpkins. We also explain how you can recognize a pumpkin.
Video tip: Peeling the pumpkin – it's that easy