Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is pushed back again and will be released in 2023

While the latest big news from Bomb Rush Cyberfunk was its future release on Nintendo Switch, Team Reptile, the studio behind the game, has just announced its postponement. The adventure game will land on PC and Nintendo Switch in the summer of 2023.

We write on the walls the names of those we love

Already postponed for the first time last year, it would seem that the development of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk take time.

And it was via Twitter that the studio echoed this announcement:

We are convinced that the release of the game, scheduled for this year, will not lead to a result that will not fully satisfy us. To create a unique and complete game, we have decided to extend the development time for a release in summer 2023

As a reminder, Cyberpunk Bomb Rush is an adventure game, a tribute to the games of the time, in particular Jet-Set Radio. You will therefore have to be patient before you can tag all the walls in your city.

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