Booba: Armed driver, close security… his life in danger? He explains after the controversy

By attacking the drop shipping and to the director of the Shauna Events agency which manages the product placements of many reality TV candidates, Magali Berdah, the rapper Booba put a huge kick in the anthill. Putting all his energy into denouncing the potential scams in the middle, this led to a huge controversy. The artist was interviewed by journalists from the Parisian this Saturday August 13, 2022 to explain the reasons for his fight. “People had to understand why I am so relentless. These people are not just scammers, they are dangerous“, he confided.

According to him, this is a huge scam with huge financial stakes. People in very high places would be involved, which explains why, according to him, he was repeatedly censored and his various accounts on social networks were suddenly closed. “I discovered suspicious things, I discovered the networks of Magali Berdah, who scams people. Professional liars, but who are protected (…) It’s really demons“, he says.

I’m not paranoid

Since the beginning of his fight, the daily life of the rapper has been completely turned upside down and his life would even be threatened. “They hired secret services, he declares, I end up with spinning mills, a GPS tracker under my car, I caught a fake bum downstairs, rummaging through my garbage cans. I stripped him, he tried to break his phone, I got him back, I unmasked the operation. (…) I have surveillance cameras, close security, an armed driver… I’m not paranoid.“Words that challenge so much all this seems worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster.

Ready to fight whatever the cost, Booba explained that everything was done to silence him, including supposed dark schemes to trap him and incarcerate him. “I am in a fight of life or death. Their goal, I think, was to trick me into going back to prison by putting drugs on me or whatever. (…) The problem is that if I get caught with drugs, as I have the green card (of American resident, for eight years), I am guilty of felony (Editor’s note: misdemeanor), I go to jail and I get deported. I lose my children…“, he said. However, Omar and Luna’s dad intends to go through with his fight. “I am a moth. And here I am on fire“, he warned.

For her part, Magali Berdah recently indicated that she was the victim of harassment and virulent attacks on social networks. Many reality TV candidates from his agency have given him their support.

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