Book project with Jordan Bardella: journalist Achilli fired by Radio France

Europe 1 with AFP // Credits: FRED TOULET / LEEMAGE VIA AFP
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3:37 p.m., April 29, 2024

Jean-François Achilli was dismissed this Monday for serious misconduct by Radio France. The political journalist is accused of having participated in the writing of the autobiography of RN president Jordan Bardella.

Political journalist Jean-François Achilli was dismissed for serious misconduct by Radio France, after being accused of having participated in the writing of the autobiography of RN president Jordan Bardella, which he disputes, he said. we learned Monday from an internal source, confirming information from Le Point. The 61-year-old journalist was “fired due to repeated breaches of ethical obligations relating to external collaborations” at Radio France, said the internal source at the public group. Jean-François Achilli was suspended as a precautionary measure by Franceinfo on March 14, the day after an article in Le Monde implicating him.

After his suspension, he decreed the “brutality” of this “unjustified measure”, in a message on the social network “I spoke with Jordan Bardella as I have done with all political leaders for 25 years. We spoke, at his request, about what his expression could be for a book of interviews. I refused the project” , had affirmed Jean-François Achilli.

“Shadow” work

The article from Worldassures that Jordan Bardella had approached him before the summer of 2023 “for a joint work”. According to the daily, Jean-François Achilli, who interviewed a political figure daily in the late afternoon and co-presented the current affairs talk show Les Informés in the evening, had refused. But always according to The world, the editorialist had “nevertheless worked in the shadows, giving Bardella his memories, thus allowing the beginning of a text to see the light of day”. The head of the RN list in the June European elections, however, assured the daily that “only (his) close entourage helps him write this book, for proofreading”.

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