Book recommendations: Our favorite feminist books |

How different women’s lives are, depending on their origin, social status, stage of life, sexual orientation, age and even ancestry, is shown by novels in which these very women have their say, their lives are traced and they are given a voice. Just like in our small selection. We read their stories, their problems and challenges in a variety that invites reflection, identification, admiration, rejection and rebellion.

Feminist literature addresses sociopolitical questions. Questions of gender inequality, patriarchy, sexual liberation, femininity and the spread of feminist ideals. Sometimes very subtle, sometimes radical, sometimes very entertaining and sometimes very moving.

Books that open up new perspectives

These novels show that women have often been and still are affected by gender-based discrimination and oppression. They address this issue in an authentic way through lively and complex characters that challenge the reader to question and rethink conventions, to get to know new perspectives on the world and to reflect on themselves.

And last but not least, they are a source of inspiration. They hold up a mirror, showing not only the injustices, but also the strength of the protagonists, and that is what empowers and gives courage and perhaps even leads to raising one’s own voice and standing up for what one wants for oneself.

get inspired

Find exciting books that are really worth reading and that give you new food for thought. These novels are real highlights on the book market. They tell stories of failure and liberation in a perceptive and authentic way. Here are our “must-reads” by women for women.


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