Book tips winter 2023: 5 non-cheesy romance novels that are more than love stories

Book tips winter 2023
5 non-cheesy romance novels that have more to offer than just a love story

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When it’s dark and uncomfortable outside, sometimes there’s nothing better than a beautiful love story. That’s not enough for you? Then we have five book ideas for you that are about more than just romantic relationships.

Nothing against love stories – after all, we all love them and particularly enjoy reading (or watching) them. But sometimes we wish there was a little more depth, a story that had a little more to offer than the endless “When will they finally get each other?” We have put together five such wonderful novels for you, all of which touch our romantic hearts. But at the same time there is a lot more hidden between the beautiful couple moments.

These clever romance novels have more to offer than “just” a love story

1. “Cleopatra and Frankenstein” by Coco Mellors

In Coco Mellors’ novel “Cleopatra and Frankenstein” Cleo and Frank get to know and love each other on New Year’s Eve. It sounds cheesy, but luckily it isn’t. Because the love between the two quickly brings to light their personal depths, we learn a lot about the state of their psyches and their influences. Exciting characters and a very special literary voice make this New York novel more than worth reading.

2. “Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow Again” by Gabrielle Zevin

Computer game design in the 90s. If that doesn’t sound like an exciting setting, “Tomorrow, tomorrow and again tomorrow” by Gabrielle Zevin you should still read it! Because the special story about the game designers Sadie and Sam is guaranteed to hit everyone’s heart – whether they’re a gaming nerd or not. It’s about love in all its facets, about friendship, but also about Illness, loss and failure.

3. “Icebreaker” by Hannah Grace

Admittedly, at first glance it seems “Icebreaker” by Hannah Grace like a classic romantic comedy – that’s what the cartoonish, cute cover suggests. And yes, the focus is on the relationship between the figure skater Anastasia and the hockey player Nathan. But the novel is not just great fun to read, it’s gripping also covers other important topics: toxic relationships that don’t necessarily have to be romantic, belonging and mental health.

4. “Happy Place” by Emily Henry

Yes too “Happy place” by romance queen Emily Henry initially seems like a classic romance novel. Harriet and Wyn, the dream couple of their clique of friends since college, have separated – and after six months they finally want to tell the others about it. But on the annual group vacation in a house in Maine comes a lot comes together that prevents the two of them from telling the truth and instead makes them continue to play the happy couple. Emily Henry manages to incorporate friendship, character, loss, communication and many other important themes in this sweet love story.

5. “Hello, Beautiful” by Ann Napolitano

In this family epic, William, who grew up in a very cold, unloving environment, and Julia, who lives in her warm, chaotic family home while still in college, find each other. Julia only exists together with her three sisters, but the deep bond between the four women is put to the test. “Hello, Beautiful” by Ann Napolitano describes romantic relationships, but also family and friendship ones, in a completely unsentimental way.

The novel “Hello Beautiful” has so far only been published in the original English. Coming on March 13, 2024 “Hello beauty” also comes onto the market in German. The book can already be pre-ordered.

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