Books for fall: These are our 5 favorites

Books for fall
These 5 books are really worth reading

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Are you looking for a good read for rainy autumn days? We have read through the current bestseller lists and recommend these five books to you.

Fall is the perfect season for reading. When it gets dark, cold and uncomfortable outside, we can curl up on the sofa for hours and immerse ourselves in stories without feeling guilty. Whether a philosophical story, a touching novel, a gripping thriller or an educational non-fiction book: The Literature Fall 2023 has something to offer for every taste. Have fun while reading!

Ferdinand von Schirach: Rain

The latest book by Bestselling author Ferdinand von Schirach is written in the form of a theatrical monologue. In “Rain“A man enters a bar and begins to talk about his life: He has been involuntarily called to be a jury member and thinks out loud about crime and punishment, about our present, human dignity, loneliness, love and failure. They are for Schirachs Themes and questions typical of his works are discussed in this text in an unusually personal way.

Elena Fischer: Paradise Garden

The debut novel by Elena Fischer made it straight onto the longlist for this year’s German Book Prize. In “Paradise Garden” is about 14-year-old Billie, who lives with her mother in a socially disadvantaged area. The mother has two jobs and little money, but with a lot of love and imagination she ensures that Elena has a wonderful childhood. When the mother dies unexpectedly , Elena sets out to find her biological father and embarks on a journey – also to herself.

Terézia Mora: Muna or Half of Life

What happens to a life that you lead dependent on someone else? This question goes Terezia Mora in her latest book, which is also nominated for the German Book Prize. In “Muna or Half of Life” the young woman Muna meets a man with whom she spends a night and who disappears from her life when the Berlin Wall falls. A few years later she meets Magnus again and they become a couple. Muna believes she has found the man of her life but soon cracks appear in the relationship and Magnus becomes cold, unpredictable and violent over the years. Muna doesn’t want to give up the relationship and pays a high price for it.

Sebastian Fitzek: The invitation

Marla Lindberg receives an invitation to a class reunion in the Alps. The young woman is looking forward to reminiscing about fond memories with former classmates. When Marla arrives at the snowy mountain hotel, all the rooms have already been occupied, but no one is there. She starts looking for the others and suddenly hears a wheezing cough from outside that reminds her of something terrible. The brand new thriller”The invitation” from Bestselling author Sebastian Fitzek will be released on October 25, 2023, but can already be pre-ordered on Amazon.

Marie Luise Ritter: About the happiness of being alone

Attend a concert alone, go to a fine restaurant or go on a trip? For many people, being alone has a negative impact. The author Marie Luise Ritter clears up the bad image of being alone and shows in her SPIEGEL bestseller “Of happiness to be alone“How valuable and enriching it can be to spend time with yourself. She takes readers on her journeys, shares personal experiences and invites them to rediscover the art of being alone and thereby lead to a more fulfilling life to find yourself.

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