Bordeaux: a man killed with several stab wounds

The alert given, a police patrol…

The alert given, a police patrol immediately went to the scene before the criminal brigade of the Zonal Directorate of Judicial Police (DZPJ) was seized. Contacted, the prosecution confirmed the information to “Sud Ouest”.

Quickly identified, the victim, who had his papers, phone and money on him, is a 58-year-old Lot-et-Garonnais living in Sainte-Bazeille. According to initial findings, the 50-year-old had numerous stab wounds on his body, at the level of the skull, back and thigh. He reportedly received a dozen stab wounds.

A private passage

What happened on the night of Monday to Tuesday in this very lively district of Bordeaux located between the market of national interest and the Saint-Jean station? Did the victim fall into an ambush? And what was she doing there? For now, these questions remain unanswered.

“We blame ourselves because we could have called the emergency services and he might not have died”

The place is frequented by many prostitutes and drug dealers. Residents are used to hearing cries in the street and no longer pay much attention to them. “A neighbor was awakened around 1 am by noises and the barking of a dog, but we did not react”, says a young woman who lives in the impasse. “We blame ourselves because we could have called the emergency services and he might not have died. We are in shock. I saw the body, the pants were down. I thought of a sexual assault. Here, we are used to seeing a lot of drug addicts, men who negotiate on the street corner with prostitutes, Place Belcier is not far away. »

The victim collapsed at the foot of this portal.


Impasse Grenier, dimly lit, is out of sight. It’s a private passage, normally closed by a gate, “but we didn’t have the keys, we just got them today, after the murder,” continues the young woman. The victim was stabbed at the foot of a second gate some fifty meters from the entrance to the impasse. “It was by tapping on it that the man opened it, a neighbor heard someone drumming but she thought of a homeless man who had been drinking and wanted to spend the night in the parking lot. »

He was going to India

Experts from the Regional Forensic Identification Service (Srij) carried out, in the presence of a magistrate from the public prosecutor’s office and a forensic doctor, meticulous surveys of traces and clues at the scene of the crime, while investigators from the crime squad questioning the neighborhood.

In Lot-et-Garonne, bloodhounds from the Agen branch of the judicial police went to Sainte-Bazeille to meet the family of the victim. The 50-year-old was, it seems, domiciled with his mother. Living off odd jobs, he enjoyed traveling around the world. On Monday, he left Marmande for Bordeaux, from where he was to reach Paris and take off from Roissy airport on Tuesday, bound for India. His journey tragically ended in Gironde.

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