Borne hopes for a reform without turning into arm wrestling

Elisabeth Borne has set herself the goal of carrying out the pension reform “without it turning into a showdown”, repeating that there is “no magic recipe” except “working a little longer », Friday during a public meeting in Calvados.

We are not telling ourselves that we are going to make a reform to annoy the French, pleaded the Prime Minister in front of about sixty people gathered in Evrecy, where Ms. Borne is running for the legislative elections of June 12 and 19.

We have to set ourselves the goal of doing it without turning into an arm wrestling match. The French are responsible people and that must be possible, she insisted.

Taking part in a question-and-answer game with the audience, the Prime Minister was asked about her certainty that this reform would go to the end, while Emmanuel Macron affirmed this Friday in an interview with the regional press that it would come into force as soon as ‘t 2023.

Arguing that the goal was first to come to an agreement with the social partners in particular, Ms. Borne also stressed that, according to her, there was no magic recipe.

If we want to finance our pension system, our social model (…) we have to be able to talk to each other about the way in which we want to gradually work a little longer, taking into account the difficulty of the professions, a- she launched.

The subject of pensions came up several times during his hour of discussions with the readers of the 6th district.

I have 1,600 euros per month, notably detailed a 77-year-old man, who cost 43 years working at the elevator company Otis. My wife, she receives 400 euros per month. She got a 40-cent raise, made half a croissant a month, he said ironically.

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I am well aware that French people have very modest pensions, agreed Ms. Borne, promising to examine the case of his wife and assuring the will of the executive to upgrade small pensions.

Earlier Friday, Ms. Borne went to a Maison France services, where she said she wanted to fight against the feeling that public services are less and less accessible.

This campaign makes it possible to show that we are listening to the French and that we are determined to provide them with answers in terms of health, schools, public services, by bringing them closer, she insists.

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