Seventh 49.3 for Elisabeth Borne: the Prime Minister brought out the constitutional weapon on Wednesday, on the Social Security draft budget for 2023, for final reading in the Assembly, the deputies of Nupes responding by announcing a motion of censorship.
A few days before the end of the constitutional deadline, I again regret, as I have already done, that the positions have remained frozen. And that despite the advances, each opposition group has reaffirmed its desire to oppose the bill, whatever it contains, whatever it is, declared the Prime Minister from the rostrum of the Assembly.
The text has not changed a comma from the version that was adopted last Monday, after the rejection of a previous motion of censure, she also said.
The Senate, meanwhile, rejected its review, blaming the government for sweeping aside its landmark amendments on the retirement age.
On Wednesday, the government and the majority again defended preventive measures (meeting at the key ages of life), the creation of a 4th year of internship in general medicine as a priority in medical deserts, but also a budgetary responsibility text.
Our fellow citizens will retain decisive measures and not the events of a sad political spectacle of censorship motions, also launched the rapporteur Stphanie Rist (Renaissance).
Despite these declarations, the deputies of the Nupes will table a new motion of censure, this time joint. The RN group, however, does not plan to file one, according to a source within the group.
We will not have talked about anything, lamented LFI deputy Damien Maudet.
You simulated the compromise like a simulated football player in the penalty area to obtain a penalty, denounced the socialist Jrme Guedj.
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Nothing about psychiatry. Nothing about environmental health. You learn nothing from the Covid crisis, said ecologist Marie-Charlotte Garin.
All in irony, the communist Pierre Dharrville took the floor to ask forgiveness: Pardon for having voted and made vote amendments. I have largely exceeded my mandate as an MP.
You do not hear anything in what your parliamentarians say to you in the Assembly or in the Senate, castigated the deputy RN Jolle Mlin, the deputy LR Yannick Neuder deploring thousands of amendments thrown in the trash.
The motion could be discussed at the end of the week or at the beginning of next week. Its probable rejection would close the examination of the draft social security budget for 2023, which would then be considered as definitively adopted.
Opposed to the draft budget, the unions of liberal doctors and biologists are calling for the closing of surgeries and laboratories on Thursday and Friday.