Bosses prepare for a multi-risk return to school

It is customary to present the economic and social return to school as the period of “all dangers”. But that of 2022 promises to be particularly difficult. “Between the resurgence of inflation, the energy crisis, the impact on purchasing power and consumption and the threat of recession, all the ingredients are in place to feed social and political tensions”, warns Michel-Edouard Leclerc, president of the strategic committee of the E. Leclerc centers. A diagnosis shared by the general manager of the real estate giant Nexity, Véronique Bédague: “We are facing an unprecedented economic situation in terms of the scale of the uncertainties, so we are approaching this start of the school year in an attentive and concentrated manner. »

Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, president of Medef, who holds his summer school on August 29 and 30 in Paris, must reiterate a call from employers to the government to continue reforms (pensions, unemployment insurance, production taxes, ecological transition, etc.). Worried about the risk of political paralysis due to the absence of a majority in the National Assembly, he invites the trade unions and employers’ organizations to come up with their own “consensus”. “We cannot remain motionless for five years, the social partners must also form circumstantial majorities”he pointed out, at the end of June, on RMC – BFM-TV.

Ecological transition. The summer of 2022 has confirmed fears about climate change. “We have entered the era of proven risk, and in particular climatic, terrifying, since all that the IPCC put forward as the most unfavorable scenarios becomes our everyday life, note Nicolas Théry, Chairman of Crédit Mutuel. I therefore have a concern: that we make an error in diagnosis, because inflation, the lower growth, energy shortages, the climate, these are the same set that must be treated as a whole. »

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CEO of the railway manufacturer Alstom, Henri Poupart-Lafarge thinks that we must adopt crisis exit strategies “where we are relevant”. This involves a “acceleration of the decarbonization of transport thanks to a better transfer to the train” and the end of diesel in favor of hydrogen. On this point, he agrees with Marie-Ange Debon, president of the management board of the transport company Keolis, who wants “convince more motorists to take out public transport season tickets”. “Fuel prices should help us”and the possibility now given to employers to reimburse 75% of the subscription of their employees without contributions or tax.

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