Boxing match between Stefan Raab and Regina Halmich: Comeback of his mentor – Elton confirmed as presenter

Boxing match between Stefan Raab and Regina Halmich
Comeback of his mentor – Elton confirmed as presenter

Elton hosts the comeback of his TV foster father Stefan Raab.

© IMAGO/Eventpress

Wherever Stefan Raab (57) is, Elton (53) is not far away. Almost a decade after his last TV appearance, the entertainer will return to television on September 14th. He will step into the ring for a third time against former world boxing champion Regina Halmich (47). It is now clear: his long-time companion Elton will also be part of the event.

“The Clark Final Fight – Stefan Raab vs. Regina Halmich” will be broadcast live on RTL. The station’s press release states that Elton will host the event. Frank “Buschi” Buschmann (59) will be the commentator for the boxing match.

Raab and Elton were a dream team

The decision to choose Elton as presenter is no big surprise. Before Stefan Raab retired from television in 2015, the two were considered a dream team for years. In 2001, Elton celebrated his breakthrough as Raab’s sidekick on “TV total” and became his eternal show intern – if Raab did a show, he was almost certainly there too. Elton was also the one who appeared in the announcement videos for his old boss’s comeback on social media.

Recently, however, things have not been going well for the presenter in the TV business. In April, ProSieben, the duo’s home station for decades, surprisingly announced that it would now produce “Schlag den Star” without showmaster Elton. his Instagram page He was “speechless, angry, but above all extremely sad” about this decision.


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