Brave Inventors: From Internet Pioneer to Web3 Pioneer

Few know his name, but without Brendan Eich the world wide web would look very different today. He is the “father of JavaScript,” the most popular programming language for websites, and co-founder of Mozilla Firefox. An Internet pioneer – and pioneer of Web3. With Brave, the 61-year-old created the most successful crypto browser in the world in 2015 with over 60 million monthly users.

It’s a challenge to big tech. And his attempt to correct past mistakes. “I feel like Dr. Frankenstein,” the businessman tells BTC-ECHO at a meeting at Web Summit in November 2022, the largest European tech conference in Lisbon. “You must kill the monster you created yourself.”

The digital spirits he summoned

What is meant is JavaScript: Brendan Eich once wrote the programming language in ten days in 1995 as a 34-year-old Netscape developer.

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