Brazen: YouTube is drastically increasing the number of advertisements


Advertisements run before YouTube videos – that’s a well-known fact. But apparently the video portal has now drastically increased the number of promo clips.

YouTube is currently pushing the limits of its users’ tolerance regarding the number of advertisements. (Source: /

  • Recently there has been significantly more advertising on YouTube.
  • Users report up to ten advertising clips in front of a video.
  • Apparently, the fade-ins cannot be canceled that easily.

YouTube is great for spending hours watching lots of clips if it weren’t for the annoying ads. So far, the portal has placed one or two clips before a video. Now the number has increased drastically. YouTube now sometimes shows up to ten advertisements before the actual video starts.

Advertising clip avalanche is probably a test by YouTube

According to consistent media reports, the avalanche of advertising clips is a test by YouTube, in which the portal wants to find out whether the majority of you tolerate five or more advertising insertions or not.

Also interesting…

However, the experiment does not seem to affect every user. In the self-experiment with the ad blocker switched off, YouTube only started one out of ten videos with a preceding advertising clip that could be skipped after five seconds.

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