Breast cancer: how to prevent and detect the disease?

European 1

All women can one day or another be affected by breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer in women worldwide, both before and after menopause. But, they can limit the risk as much as possible and, if the disease is declared, detect it as soon as possible, as explained in “Bienfait pour vous” Mahasti Saghatchian, medical oncologist at the Gustave Roussy Institute and at the hospital. American.

All women can one day or another be affected by breast cancer. But they can limit the risk as much as possible and, if the disease is declared, detect it as soon as possible. Breast cancer prevention starts with healthy habits, such as limiting alcohol and staying physically active. Invited in “Benefit for you” on Europe 1, Mahasti Saghatchian, medical oncologist at the Gustave Roussy Institute and at the American hospital reminds us how to prevent and detect the disease.

Breast cancer prevention

You can prevent breast cancer. It is not a fatality. Data show that physical activity reduces the risk of breast cancer by 20 to 30%. It’s better than any medicine and any vaccine. It is necessary to do intensive physical activity, 30 to 45 minutes every two days to have the immune effect and the anti-inflammatory effect. There is also food. Again, there are plenty of studies showing that an organic diet, rich in fruits and vegetables containing calcium, was protective.

Alcohol and nicotine increase the risk of breast cancer. This is why it is recommended to drink in moderation and to give up smoking.

Breast cancer screening

Screening aims to detect cancer as early as possible, among people who are a priori not sick, in order to treat it at an early stage and therefore offer a better chance of recovery. The benefits of screening mammography for reducing breast cancer mortality outweigh its adverse effects in women between 50 and 74 years of age.

A regular breast self-examination is a simple way to detect any breast changes. A clinical breast examination (palpation) by a healthcare professional is recommended every year from the age of 25.

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