Brigitte Macron and Charlene of Monaco accomplices in the stands

An audience of stars was invited to the stands of the Stade de France to attend the final of the Rugby World Cup, this Saturday, October 28. The First Lady, Brigitte Macron, and Princess Charlene of Monaco expressed their joy.

This Saturday, October 28 saw two rugby titans, South Africa and New Zealand, clash at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis). But the spectacle was also on the side of the stands, where several public figures joined the supporters to encourage the two teams. Among them: Emmanuel Macron, his wife, Brigitte Macron, and the princely couple of Monaco, Albert II and Charlene. If they had the opportunity to see each other during official visits, such as the funeral of Elizabeth II or, more recently, the coronation of Charles III, it was for a more relaxed – and sporting – occasion that they could find each other.

This match meant a lot to the princess: this great fan of the oval ball is from South Africa, where she also stayed while recovering from an infection. Seeing the Springboks get the better of the All Blacks despite heavy rain and a close score (12-11) filled her with joy to the point of hugging her husband. But she also shared this feeling with her French neighbor. The presidential couple came to greet Albert II and Charlene of Monaco after the victory of the South African team. The mother of twins Jacques and Gabriella was quick to give Emmanuel Macron a kiss before warmly hugging Brigitte Macron with a smile on her face.

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A long-standing friendship

This closeness between the two women is not surprising. Their complicity could already be guessed in 2018, during the first official visit of Albert II and Charlene of Monaco to Paris. The twins Jacques and Gabriella were also able to get to know Brigitte Macron over a cup of tea. As recalled Galalike other political figures, the princely couple had been invited to the capital to celebrate the centenary of the 1918 armistice. The spouses of the invited heads of state and heads of international organizations all gathered at the Palace of Versailles for a dinner organized under the leadership of Brigitte Macron. The opportunity for a rapprochement between her and Charlene of Monacowhich has continued ever since.


Passionate about writing, Floréane is interested in a wide variety of subjects. When she is not writing about current affairs, the environment or gender issues, she takes refuge under a blanket…

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