Brigitte Macron launches the Yellow Pieces 2022: “Use your creativity” to create your piggy bank

DONATIONS – The 33rd Yellow Pieces operation, organized by the Hospitals Foundation, begins this Wednesday, January 12. New this year: participants are invited to create their piggy bank with their own container. A “more eco-responsible” box that Brigitte Macron, who orchestrates the campaign, invites you to “customize” yourself.

Is your wallet full of small parts? It’s time to get rid of it! The Yellow Pieces are back on Wednesday January 12th. Brigitte Macron, president of the Hospitals Foundation, which carries this emblematic operation responsible for collecting money for hospitalized children, was for the occasion the guest of Jacques Legros’ 13H TF1.

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Last year, the campaign was completely paperless. If donations can still be via the operation site, sending an SMS or even opening an online fundraiser, in 2022, the piggy banks will be used again. A special feature, however, is that the boxes used to create the harvest boxes will no longer be distributed. Instead, all participants are invited to make their own container.

From now on, everyone can create their own piggy bank from a jam jar, a cake box or even an empty milk carton. “It’s more eco-responsible and it’s easier, everyone takes their container”, explained the First Lady on the set of 13H. She also indicated that stickers in the colors of the campaign will be found this weekend in the regional daily press and the youth press, as well as in post offices. Something to decorate your home-made piggy banks as you wish. “You customize and you call on your creativity”, she said.

This eco-responsible novelty is explained in a clip posted online this weekend, featuring the First Lady, but also the hosts Camille Combal and Denis Brogniart, but also the sponsor of the operation and coach of the French team of men’s football Didier Deschamps.

On February 5, the date of the end of the operation, the piggy banks with the collected coins must be deposited in the post offices. In 2019, for example, donations had climbed to more than 8 million euros. On TF1, the First Lady greeted a “titanic work” thus carried out by the Post Office and the Banque de France.

This year, the amount of the pot “will depend on you”, assured Brigitte Macron, who shared her good hopes for this new edition. “The mobilization is intact”, she rejoiced. “During the first lockdown, people called day and night for two months to give to children, hospitals and caregivers.”

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The Yellow Pieces operation is celebrating its 33rd edition this year. According to the site of the Hospitals Foundation, since 1989, successive campaigns have made it possible to finance more than 9,200 projects in hospitals. Indeed, these operations make it possible to improve the daily life of hospitalized children and adolescents. This can be implemented in different ways, from the creation of reception places intended to facilitate the presence of families in the hospital, to the organization of activities for this public or the financing of equipment to fight against pain.

The operation is also extended this year to children and adolescents victims of violence. “It’s an absolute emergency”, defended Brigitte Macron, evoking aid already released in 2021 for adolescents’ homes, mental health centers and child psychiatry services. These units and centers “are really sounding the alarm, they lack doctors, caregivers and resources”, she stressed. “We try to allocate them as much as possible, she assured. We are in a complicated moment but I want to tell them that we are completely with them to help them. “

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