Brings order and system: Packing Cubes help against chaos in the suitcase

You don’t have to go on a little trip around the world to lose track of what you’re looking for in your suitcase. The unsystematic rummaging in the suitcase usually causes even greater chaos than before. The same applies to packing at the end of a trip. What used to fit easily in a suitcase is now becoming an insurmountable challenge.

At this point, a smaller subdivision of the suitcase with its own organization system would be a ray of hope. Packing Cubes promise that and much more. Packing cubes are flexible zippered bags that bring structure and order to suitcases and backpacks.

Packing Cubes come in different sizes and for different purposes. The price range is usually between 16 and 36 euros. In the following table we compare different packing cubes, all of which have been rated good to very good by Amazone.

4 packing cubes in comparison

Real all-rounders

Packing cubes can fulfill different functions depending on the needs. So they not only help to organize the clothes, but also to save space. This should be considered before purchasing a packing cube. Because while garment bags are better for organizing, the space savings with a vacuum bag are enormous.

Also suitable for the wardrobe

But the use of the packing cubes goes far beyond the case. Because the packing cubes can also keep things tidy in your closet at home. Depending on the size and color, the product is available in different versions and thus also adapts optically well.

Comparison instead of test: What’s the difference?

For this comparison, a specialist editor of our partner
Test reports from other publications as well as the most popular offers (“best sellers”) and customer opinions from online retailers are examined. Based on this, the product selection was made. For the selection of the top devices, models with more than four stars and a reasonably high number of ratings come into question. A selection of customer reviews was read and devices were selected that, based on the professional assessment, meet the needs of the users. The products have not been tested in the CHIP test center.

All products that the CHIP test center had in the laboratory can be found in this one
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