Brit Awards: Gender categories of award ceremony abolished

Brit Awards
Gender categories in the award ceremony abolished

As a non-binary person, Sam Smith had advocated change.

© Birdie Thompson / AdMedia /

The organizers of the Brit Awards have announced that the award ceremony will dispense with gender categories from 2022.

When the Brit Awards are presented next year on February 8th, it will happen like never before. On the official homepage of the award ceremony Co-President Tom March announced that there will be no gender categories in the future. Instead of honoring the “best international solo artist” and the “best international solo artist” separately, as before, these categories are combined to form “best international artist”. This is also the case with the national categories. In this way, one wants to honor all music stars regardless of their gender.

As a justification, March continues: “It’s important that The Brits keep evolving and pursuing the goal of being as inclusive as possible. It feels like the right time to celebrate the musical achievements of the artists and their work, independently their gender. “

Four new categories

One person who has contributed significantly to this rethinking is Sam Smith. The star defines itself as non-binary and wrote according to the Daily Mail long before the decision at the Brit Awards: “For me the music is always about unity, not about division.”

Another innovation at the Brit Awards comes in the form of four additional prizes. With “Alternative / Rock Act”, “Pop / R & B Act”, “Dance Act” and “Hip Hop / Rap / Grime Act”, the different music genres and their stars should be given greater consideration.


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