Britney Spears fights for her freedom – now Justin Timberlake speaks too

Britney Spears
Shocking statements in court – even ex Justin Timberlake speaks out

From 1998 to 2002, Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears were a couple.


Since 2008 the guardianship of pop star Britney Spears has been with her father Jamie – a condition from which the 39-year-old finally wants to free herself. How much she suffers from it, she made public on Wednesday.

Singer Britney Spears is fighting for her own guardianship. Since her collapse in 2008, this has been with her father, Jamie, who has made and monitored all important decisions for the now 39-year-old. In a 23-minute monologue on Wednesday, Britney told the court how much she was suffering.

They don’t want me to have any more children

Not only do their supporters gather in front of the courthouse in Los Angeles, celebrity colleagues also speak up online, including ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake. You can find out what he has to say and what happens now for Britney in the video.

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