Britney Spears: She has been fighting for an end to guardianship for many years

Britney Spears
She has been fighting for an end to guardianship for many years

Singer Britney Spears has currently retired from the limelight

© Xavier Collin / Image Press Agency / ImageCollect

Guardianship of her father: Britney Spears has apparently been fighting since 2014 to regain control of her own life.

US singer Britney Spears (39) is currently fighting in court to end the guardianship of her father Jamie Spears, which he took over in 2008. But apparently their fight has been going on for much longer than was previously known. From court records, which are available from the “New York Times” apparently it emerges that Spears had already explored possibilities in 2014 to depose her father as guardian.

In 2016, she also stated that the system had “far too much control” over her life. Guardianship has become a “repressive and controlling” tool against them, the files continue to say. She is fed up with being taken advantage of by the people around her. Spears went on to argue that she was the only one who would work and make her own money, yet she would pay “everyone”.

Forced into mental health facility

Spears also claims she was admitted to a mental health facility against her will in 2019. She was also forced to perform even though she had a 40-degree fever. This was one of the “scary moments” in her life.

Jamie Spears took over the guardianship of his daughter in 2008 after a series of public breakdowns. In February, a court ruled that Spears should continue to manage the assets of the former teen star – together with the trust company Bessemer Trust. On June 23, the pop singer wants to speak personally in court.
