Britney Spears: She kicks a nail but doesn’t lose her sense of humor

Britney Spears
She kicks a nail but doesn’t lose her sense of humor

Britney Spears, here at an event in 2019, is once again causing a stir on Instagram.

© Tinseltown /

Despite kicking a nail in Britney Spears, she can joke about the painful experience.

“Ouch people”! With these words Britney Spears (39) describes a rather painful experience. The singer explains in an Instagram storythat she was kicked in a nail. Even so, Spears hasn’t lost her sense of humor. “I think you could say I hit the nail on the head,” jokes the 39-year-old.

Po photo causes a sensation

How it all happened is not known. Makes her fans excited but also a photoon which Spears is almost completely naked and showing her bum. “Here’s my bottom,” she writes about it.

Shortly thereafter she also released a clipshowing how the singer took the picture. “Here is a video so that you can see that this is really my bum,” she writes. You didn’t use filters or other auxiliary tools – except for a selfie stick.

While some users wondered why Spears was showing up like this, others celebrated the recordings. Spears had been fairly revealing more and more often in the past few weeks. In mid-August, among other things, in a post that has since been deleted, she declared that she wanted to see herself “lighter” and in her “purest form”. She used to have self-doubts about her body.
