Britney Spears: The singer is taking a break from social media for “a while”.

Britney Spears
The singer is taking a break from social media for “a while”.

Britney Spears has decided to take a social media break.

© carrie-nelson/ImageCollect

Britney Spears has taken a temporary break from social media. She gives no reasons. That could be behind it.

Britney Spears (40) is taking a break from social media. The singer announced this on her Instagram channel. “I’m taking a break from social media for a while,” she writes, adding, “Sending my love and God bless you all!” She accompanies the message with a video of a baby doll. She is sitting in a bathrobe with curlers in her hair and sunglasses on her nose in a beauty salon and is enjoying a hot drink.

The post follows two weeks after Spears’ pregnancy was announced. in the related Instagram post The singer wrote at the time that she would therefore not appear in public as often. She cited the paparazzi and perinatal depression she suffered from during previous pregnancies as reasons. The latter are “absolutely horrible” and she is glad that you can talk about it openly today. This time she will do yoga every day.

Britney Spears is pregnant for the third time

Spears is expecting her third child and first with her fiancé, fitness expert Sam Asghari (28). The two have been a couple since 2016. They met while filming Spears’ music video “Slumber Party”. Asghari played the pop star’s lover in it. In September 2021, the two announced their engagement.

From her previous marriage to Kevin Federline (44), the American already has two sons, Sean Preston (16) and Jayden James (15).


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