Britney Spears: What Did Dad Jamie Really Do With Her Millions?

Britney Spears
What did dad Jamie really do with her millions?

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Everything just for power and control over your millions of dollars? Britney Spears attorney questions the reason her father Jamie Spears suddenly agreed to end guardianship. Is it honest understanding or an attempt to cover up?

Britney Spears, 39, had to fight for her freedom and the end of her guardianship from her father Jamie Spears, 69, for 13 long years. After several court appearances, a lot of pressure from Britney’s loyal fans and the media, Jamie is suddenly ready to give up power over Britney and her self-made million dollar fortune. For years, Jamie had insisted that this control of his daughter was necessary and that all he wanted was what was best for her. But how does this sudden change of heart come about? Britney’s attorney Mathew Rosengart is now publicly asking him exactly these questions.

Britney Spears: Did Dad Jamie Spears Steal Her Millions?

New court documents filed on October 28 show that Jamie had received several official inquiries prior to his application to end guardianship, to which he appears to have had no responses, according to People Magazine. Britney’s father was supposed to explain to Rosengart what happened to all the millions who disappeared from Britney’s account during the tutelage. Jamie Spears’ sudden resignation from guardianship has avoided answering these questions – at least for the time being. But now Britney’s attorney Mathew Rosengart is asking for complete clarification of the whereabouts of her $ 60 million fortune – the equivalent of about 52 million euros.

Jamie Spears is supposed to admit under oath that he bugged her bedroom

Jamie Spears doesn’t get away with his daughter’s new lawyer. At the upcoming court hearing on November 12th, Jamie will have to testify under oath how much money he paid or even stolen from his daughter’s fortune for his services. The court records also show that Britney’s father is finally supposed to admit that he had wiretapping devices illegally installed in his daughter’s bedroom, apparently to keep up to date with their love life. Britney’s attorney is now also demanding the release of all recordings and documents related to the wiretapping.

Sources used: People Magazine, Daily Mail

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