Broken Toe: Symptoms and Treatment


A broken toe can complicate everyday life. What symptoms indicate the break and how you treat it, you will find out here.

Broken Toe: Introduction

Breaking your toe is often faster than you think. It is enough to hit something or an object falls on its foot .

Maybe you’re also unsure if your toe is broken? We’ll show you which symptoms speak for it and when it’s time to go to the doctor

Broken Toe: Symptoms

  • Pain: A fractured toe (fracture) causes pain during exercise and pressure. In addition, a broken toe tickles too. In particular, when the toe hurts so much that those affected can hardly burden it, many points to a complicated break.
  • Swelling: Swelling and bruising are often signs of a fracture. If the toe is not broken, the pain subsides and no swelling occurs.
  • Discoloration: Discoloration is a helpful symptom that indicates a fracture. The toe can take on a wide color spectrum from red to blue.

Broken Toe: Broken, compressed or bruised?

  • If areas of the bone exit the wound , then it is an open fracture , and you should go immediately to the doctor. In a supposedly closed fracture, it is often difficult to tell if it is not a compression or a bruise.
  • bruise is only a violation of small veins. In the case of a sprain , a joint is overstretched or bent over.
  • To be really sure, you should have your toe checked by a doctor so that the right treatment can be initiated.

Broken Toe: Treatment

  • Nursing: You can bridge the time to your doctor’s appointment by wrapping a plastic bag filled with ice cubes in a tea towel and laying it on your broken toe. Do not lay the ice for more than 20 minutes so as not to hurt the skin.
  • Painkillers: In case of great pain you can take painkillers like ibuprofen or aspirin.
  • Doctor: The visit to the doctor will tell you what the further treatment looks like. Maybe the doctor can fix his toe again. In complicated cases, surgery may be necessary to keep the foot in the correct position.
  • Keep calm: Put your toe up and protect yourself at home. Sport and strenuous exercise are prohibited for the time prescribed by the doctor. You realize best which movements still hurt after some time and you can orient yourself to it.