Bruce Willis with dementia: his wife sets the record straight in the face of a vicious attack

Attacked from all sides by ill-intentioned Internet users, Emma Heming clarified the situation. Bruce Willis’ wife has been strong and determined to help her dementia-stricken husband.

For Emma Heming, enough is enough. Since announcing that Bruce Willis has dementia, the 44-year-old model has had to regularly respond to criticism and make updates. A few days ago, she made a heartbreaking appeal to the paparazzi. “This video is for the paparazzi trying to get exclusive photos and videos of my husband: stay in your place! Don’t yell my husband’s name, don’t ask him how he is. Stop telling her ‘Yippee-ki-yay’ [son expression dans Die Hard, ndlr], she was very annoyed in a video posted on her Instagram account. If you’re caring for someone with dementia, you know how difficult and stressful it can be to help that person live, even have a cup of coffee…”

But after the publication of this message, Emma Heming was the target of virulent Internet users who accused her of obtaining her “moment of glory thanks to the illness of her husband”. Despicable criticism to which the wife of Bruce Willis was quick to respond firmly, always on Instagram. “I’m going to take my five minutes of flora and I’m going to turn it into 10 because I’m always going to defend my husband, she assured. And, while I’m at it, I’ll raise awareness about dementia and caregivers, who are unsung heroes. And then I’m going to turn my grief and my anger and my sadness and do something good around something that feels less good to me.” Emma Heming was quickly praised by her Instagram followers, including Bruce Willis’ daughter, Scout LaRue Willis.

Bruce Willis: what type of dementia does he suffer from?

As a reminder, the family of Bruce Willis announced a few weeks ago that the actor suffered from a particular form of dementia. “Unfortunately, the communication issues are just one symptom of the disease Bruce is dealing with. While it’s painful, it’s a relief to finally have a clear diagnosis, wrote the relatives of the actor. FTD is a cruel disease that many of us have never heard of and can strike anyone. For people under 60, FTD is the most common form of dementia, and since getting the diagnosis can take years, FTD is probably much more common than we realize. Today there is no cure for the disease, a reality that we hope can change in the years to come..”

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